Tuesday, 6 December 2011

penis extender upgrade kit

Many men own one of the original penis extender when they were first introduced by Jes many moons ago. The first penis extender to be mass produced and sold worldwide was the Jes Extender.

The Jes although the first of it's kind was the original, this traction device strapped around the head of the penis using a silicone noose. As these were the only products available there was no other option and the comfort had to be endured.

Then we seen the introduction of the silicone strap, sometimes referred to as the comfort strap as the flat silicone strap is more comfortable to wear than the silicone noose. Many people that purchase penis extenders these days will go for the option that is most comfortable and this is the comfort strap.

But what if you are one of the people that have spent up to £250 on a Jes Extender or similar device, surely it's another big expense to shell out another £200+ for another extender that will do the same job but with a slightly different end adaptor?

That's were the Penis extender upgrade kit comes in. There are several different manufacturers currently selling these upgrade kits but none of them come close to this device because of the exclusive parts this kit contains. As well as a silicone noose adaptor you also get the comfort strap as well as a new system that fastens with Velcro straps and soft gauge's for protection. In addition to these penis extender parts you also get strength upgrade for your actual extender in the form of 2600g tension springs.

We have checked out the other upgrade kits on the market but this is by far the best and most cost effective penis extender upgrade kit money can buy.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

penis extender website

Hi All, unfortunately we have had to postpone the launch of our new male health / penis extender website for the time being.

We are currently working on our other websites constantly to improve their rankings and sales, this is keeping us busy in the current climate so plans for our new penis extender web site have been put on hold. In the mean time there is 2 places you can purchase male virility pills and also a penis extender if you wish.

The first website (lovebody) has one of the UK's best selling penis extenders, the male edge extender range. This includes the Male edge basic, the male edge extra and also the best selling male edge pro.
We have searched the internet to find other places selling the male edge extender range but this website offers the lowest prices.

Secondly, if you are looking for penis enlargement pills then the latest product that have proven results with the best quality and quantity ingredients are the Provimax pills. These pills have proven to contain up to 6x more quality ingredients that some of the competitors. If you are considering purchasing any type of enhancement pill you should consider visiting there website and checking out the comparison tables before makeing any purchase.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

penis enlargement products

Today we are posting links to 2 different products that will hopefully find good products and you won't be finding cheaper anywhere else.

Firstly, there is Provimax. These Vimax pills are the UK's best selling newest penis enhancement products. Provimax basically used their brains to work out the key ingredients in all of the other best selling virility pills, increase the dosage of each product then increase them massively so these pill was and is now the best available. Provimax contains over 1600mg per pill compared to old style vimax pills containing just over 200mg per pill.

Secondly we have been asked recently which penis pump is the best and which penis pump will give good results.
Having seen many penis pumps over the years one of the best selling products recently, mainly due to the huge size and not to mention the small price tag is the X factor 12" penis pump.  This fantastic pump comes with a 12" cyclinder for plenty of room to grow. The air control on this pump has a quick release valve for extra safety measures. This is the best budget penis pump currently on sale.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

breast enlargement pills

I thought we would take a short break from extenders and extender news and bring to you short review of a similar natured product, this time for women.

We know that natural enhancement and enlargement pills are selling well as hundreds of people around the globe become more conscious about their look and want to find a way to increase confidence.
The easiest way to increase your confidence is to feel good about yourself.
We know the benefits for men when they use extenders and pumps but what about women? They to can turn heads when they walk into a room and this time they don't need expensive implants to do it. One simple system is now available to increase confidence by increasing breast size and firmness.

The Breast Actives breast enlargement system.
Made up of a firming cream and natural enhancement pills this combination has been one of the best sellers for a long time. Featured on popular TV shows in the USA this is one of the few brands you can actually trust. A brand and a product that will not leave you feeling you have wasted money on a product that doesn't work.

Very few trusted proven products backed by clinical studies can be found but with breast actives you will find all of that. Just read through the website and you will find plenty of customer testimonials to help you decide.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Male Edge Extender

Are you looking for the Male Edge Extender?

I recently went on a campaign looking for penis extenders with the highest tension rate. By tension I am referring to the amount of pressure applied by the device, obviously it makes sense that the more pressure the better the results. Higher pressure means faster results but there is also a problem most people do not consider. To much pressure to quickly could possible damage the skin tissue. Please take care when applying pressure if you are using a penis stretching device.

Here are my findings.

Firstly you should note that this report is not a full review of all extenders. I simply picked a few extenders that advertised as having higher tension rates than normal.

First I looked at the Male Edge Extender.

Buy the Male edge direct from Male Edge extender or purchase from LoveBody, this is the cheapest I have found the Male Edge extender.

The Male Edge is advertised as being standard as 3200g. After testing the extender the pressure is indeed a good pressure but I have a problem with the quality of this device. It's made out of plastic which in comparison to other extenders means the strength and quality of the device is never going to be in the same league as some of the metal extenders. Having said that, after inspecting the extender I found it to be sturdy and comfortable. Definitely worth a look and having the highest tension out of my few tested extenders I would rate it fairly high.

Secondly, I tested the Tushy extender. Available to purchase direct, from the penis extender website. Advertised as 2600g tension this extender is made by Jes. Jes manufactures the Male Edge and also the original penis extender called the Jes Extender. This device is a strong, solid device supplied with straps and noose type ends so a great option. The prices are unbeatable.

Lastly, I checked out the X4 labs gold, no longer sold in the UK unless you can find a company with a few of these left in stock. After several difficulties in the USA and canada with laws the X4 labs device has been reportedly banned for sale and currently the FDA have issued a warning about the extender. I still did a test and checked out the device and also looked into the FDA allegations.
Firstly, I was disappointed with the X4 gold because it was advertised as being a 2100g tension spring. I tested the pressure and found the claims of 2100g to be false, the springs supplied were just 1600g. This I guess is why the X4 labs product is running into problems with their product.

Secondly, the packaging fell apart when I tried to open the box and once I did open it I found the accessories to be already open and signs of use. Not the best way to send out these products when Hygiene should be top priority.

Lastly, I could not find much information about the fda allegations, there are lots of reports, many unconfirmed that X4Labs have had many complaints made to the BBB about there products and there customer service. I also found several FDA reports ont here website claiming the X4 labs device was not passed as a authorised medical device and in relation X$ labs have also had the X4 labs device rejected by the FDA when trying to import the device into the USA recently.

You need to make up your own mind on this :o)

Saturday, 30 July 2011

extender upgrade upgrade kit review

Has anyone found a website in the UK recently with any penis extender upgrade kits in stock?

Does anyone still sell extender upgrades?

We sold a wide range of penis extender over the years, some good quality, cheap and cheerful and some very expensive over priced extenders but all had one thing in common, lack of penis extender accessories, in particular, replacement comfort straps.

I found that X4 labs are selling there upgrade kit but for what you get included in the kit it is very expensive, I did some investigation work and checked out the options.

Currently there is just 3 upgrade kits available, one of these is not actually an upgrade kit but spares parts sold separately that can be put together to make an upgrade kit.

First up, the X4Labs Upgrade Kit.
Cost: $140 (£95)
At first glance the X4 labs upgrade kit looks like a great bit of kit. It looks like you get a lot for your money, the sales and marketing are good and really do sell this extender accessory but in reality this is an over priced gimmick that does not work. You will be wasting £95 of your hard earned cash if you purchase one of these devices.
Lets take a look what $140 gets you. Firstly, you get 2 rods, these rods are only used if you have an Andro extender as normal bars will not fit the quad piece.
You get 1 plastic end adaptor called a quad support system support, this is a plastic end adaptor. You will get 2 silicone straps and 2 silicone tubes if you prefer the noose adaptors, you also get some foam pads for protection. Firstly and lastly the downfall is the quad support, this is basically a gimmick and a marketing ploy, X4 labs have turned there X4 labs Mini  adaptor into something it's not. The quad and the mini adaptor are the same plastic end piece. I have done several tests on this adaptor and whilst you can see an advantage if you have a very small (micro penis) penis it is no use for anyone with a penis over 2-3inchs because the bottom part of the adaptor will dig into the scrotum, this makes the adaptor painful and uncomfortable to wear for any period of time. By wearing this adaptor it is possible you could cause yourself permanent damage. Caution should be taken when using the X4 labs extender.

I also note that I have seen other reviews for the X4 labs upgrade kit here.

Second up, Jes Extender spare parts.
Cost: £150
Penis extender accessories.
First off, the Jes extender is one of the original penis extenders. The original Jes has recently been upgraded to a comfort strap and with this comes the possibility of upgrading your old Jes extender or any other extender to use the comfort strap technology. The  accessories include a comfort strap, a silicone strap or just the bars and silicone straps but when purchased all together they total a hefty £150+ depending what you order. Good quality spares but over priced and expensive.

Lastly, the Tushy Upgrade Kit.
Cost: £40-£50
Basically this Upgrade kit is made up of the Jes extender spare parts. If purchased separately the entire cost is approximately £150. If purchased all together as an upgrade kit from http://www.extenderupgrade.co.uk or http://www.extender-shop.co.uk then the cost is a low £40-£50 depending on what current offers and deals these websites have on.

The kit comes with a plastic end piece with silicone straps, silicone noose straps, foam protection pads and also the added bonus of upgraded tension springs of 2300g+ you get spare rods in case you have the Andro extender also.

By far the best extender upgrade kit on the market and the best value for money.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

x4 labs hits trouble in the UK.

I found this on a sex toy review blog the other day and thought you anyone thinking of purchasing one of the x4 labs devices would like to read a little more.

Were still trying to figure out exactly what's going on in the UK with the X4 labs extender.
We know that the official European distributors had their contract terminated due to declining sales. Declining sales were due to the manufacturer in Canada selling the X4 labs products direct to other companies in the UK like Planet Earth and Honeylicious.
X4 labs inc currently under investigations by the BBB in the USA has been under the spot light for some time now after reportedly ripping off customers and taking money from customers cards, sending out poor quality cheap alternatives known as eco extender and not the X4 labs extender.
So, with this in mind we have been looking for sellers of the X4 labs device in the UK. So far we have found the X4 labs deluxe offered by Chemist Direct. They also offer the X4 labs Gold extender. We know that the new distributor of the X4 labs products for a short period was Planet Earth Wholesale. It's obvious chemist direct is purchasing the x4 labs direct from PEW due to the nature of the other products sold on their website but the strange thing is the on PEW retail site Sex Health the X4 labs deluxe is not for sale but the x4 labs gold is offered at a ridiculously low price of just £180 instead of £225. This suggests that planet earth (sex health.co.uk) are struggling to sell the x4 labs penis extender devices and once they have sold off their stock they wont be selling the product.
And boy how things come round to bite you on the bum, honeylicious the first reseller to go behind the backs of butler white and purchase the x4labs device by using underhand low tactics have also stopped selling the whole x4 labs range. Even there new website x4store.co.uk has had all worked stopped and has no products.
Maybe all these problems have stemmed from the products currently being experienced by X4 labs inc. There products are poor quality and overpriced. They are not worth the money being paid for them and the greedy owners Rick and Sam in Canada treat their resellers and distributors like dirt. I think the resellers and distributors are finally realising this and are turning their backs on the brand and product. Lets hope i'm right.

Monday, 11 July 2011

male edge extender

As we prepare our stock inventory and decide on which products we will be selling from our new penis extender website we can confirm various categories, sections, brands etc that we will be selling.

The following sections will make up the structure of the website.

  • Penis Extenders
  • Penis Pumps
  • Penis Pills
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Extender Accessories
  • Sex Toys
We are currently in talks with many companies and distributors in view to sell as many products as possible from our new website.

Current brands secured for sale on our website include.

  • Male Edge Extender
  • Jes Extender
  • Quick Extender Pro
  • The Andro Extender
  • Tushy Extender
  • SizePro
  • Climinax
  • ID Lube
  • Gun Oil
  • Provimax

If you currently manufacturer any penis enlargement product please contact extender shop in view of reselling your product.

Please watch out over then next few months so you can see the new website going live!

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

extender shop

New website coming soon!!..

We are pleased to announce that we will be shortly launching a new website in the UK called extender shop.

Extender shop is an online superstore dedicated to the male enlargement products.

Mainly we will be focussing on many of the best selling penis extenders available like the male edge, Jes, Andro extender etc...

We also plan to have several more categories for male enlargement and enhancement pills like Vimax and sizepro.

We have a new range of penis enlargement pumps also, no other website sill offer you the choice and selection of male enlargement products in the UK.

Check out our  new website soon!!

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

X4labs scam

With the recent revelations that FastSize Extender has been raided by the Feds for making untrue claims it's time we looked at the X4labs scam. The lies that surround the X4 labs extender.

So lets just recap on the fastsize problem that occurred recently in the USA. Some people have been sending me messages claiming that I work for a rival extender company trying to stir up trouble and blacken the name of fast size and x4labs. We let me tell you, 100% and categorically that I do not work for any other manufacturer. I do not need to blacken the name of these 2 companies as they seem to be doing a great job all on there own. Now the truth has come out and there products are being shown for their true colours every will know how poor the quality is and how damaging using these products can be. So lets just give you the facts to prove that I'm not just making up these stories.

The story about Fastsize being raided by the feds was first released on the USA government website here:

FDA is the governing body that controls the Food and Drug administration in the USA. Before you can sell any product claiming to treat and cure medical problems your product needs to be examined by the FDA. The FDA will then approve your product and give you a license to sell your product once it has been tested and proved that it can do the claims made safely. The fastsize extender was advertised as FDA approved when in fact Fastsize had no authority to make these claims and following many complaints from users the device was inspected. After inspection it was found the quality of the device did not meet the standards needed to be approved by the FDA. In addition it was proven that the product had the opposite effect and could cause a number of problems if used.

As a result the FDA instructed US Marshall's to raid and seize all assets. In July 2010 the FDA and US Marshall's raided the premised and seized nearly $347.000 worth of products.

So lets turn our attentions to the X4 labs, If the above story is related to the Fastsize extender how do X4 labs extender fit into this picture.

It has been reported that the X4Labs inc is the company supplying extenders to Fastsize to re-brand and sell as their own device. Due to the fastsize device being a re-branded X4 labs extender it has been reported that the FDA has no turned it's attention to X4Labs Inc. It's also worth noting that the company X4 labs has stopped trading, they changed their company name to ArlanWeb inc and are now trading as Arlanweb claiming to own the rights to the brand name X4 labs only.
I personally think the FDA will eventually win but being in the USA and ArlanWeb inc being in Canada there may be more complications and it may be a lot harder to stop this company from making these claims.

The X4 labs extender also make false claims saying the device is a classed medical device approved by the FDA for use in the USA. These claims are false and not true, we spoke to the FDA and they confirmed that they had no records of the X4Labs Extender being an approved product.

After further investigation we found that the X4 extender had in fact been refused by the FDA when being imported into the USA for this very reason. Again, you can read this information on the FDA website here.

Below is a summary of the FDA ruling that denied access to X4 labs.

Violation CodeSectionCharge Statement
DIRECTIONS 502(f)(1), 801(a)(3); MISBRANDING The article appears to lack adequate directions for use.
NO PMA 501(f)(1)(B), 801(a)(3); ADULTERATION The article appears to be a class III device without an approved application for premarket approval pursuant to section 515(a).

So, I'll leave it up to you to decide if the X4 labs is the real deal. I know one thing. I will certainly not take any risk and won't be putting this device anywhere near my penis.

So, some people may not be 100% convinced that the X4 labs is untrustworthy and might still be considering making a purchase from their website or one of many distributors they have around the world. Before you make your purchase there is some more information you should be considering.

We have announced that the X4 labs extender is not FDA approved and is currently under investigation from the FDA for making false and misleading claims but there is more going on here.

The BBB are also investigating x4 labs due to several complaints on there network following reports of scams and fraud being commited by them.

This website first released the news. http://www.articlepros.com/Health-and-Fitness/Substance-Abuse/article-604665.html

With so many complaints being registered with the BBB, (Better Business Bureau) they could not ignore the company. Complaints about x4 labs inc include credit card fraud by deducting small amounts from custom credit cards. Varied results, some people have had no success with the X4labs device and it has only damaged there penis. X4 labs continue to ignore customer complains about these issues. Uncomfortable, many users find the device uncomfortable and complain of being in pain when wearing the device. Health complications, this is the reason the FDA are involved. Many people have reported not being able to urinate properly after using the X4 labs device.

So, before you waste your hard earned cash on the x4 labs extender please consider the above problems and issues many other people have reported.

Monday, 6 June 2011

X4Labs under investigation

It is the shock news of the year so far, it's now official. The X4 Labs Penis extender is now officially proven as a scam.

The company X4Labs was supplying the company FastSize the X4 extenders, Fast Size was rebranding the product as there own product but recently the company FastSize was closed down and the devices were seized. Read the story here, http://www.buzzle.com/articles/fastsize-company-finally-closed-down.html

The reason behind this is the device quality of the X4 labs extender / fast size is very very poor. The product claims lots of information that is not true like FDA approved. The X4LABS IS NOT FDA approved.

These claims have landed the company fastsize in trouble and now they have been shut down with all assetts seized. Now the FDA have stopped This company from trading they are turning there attention to X4 Labs as they were supplying there extenders to fastsize to rebrand.

It won't be long before we see the X4 labs removed from sale from several countries.

Penis extender spare parts

WARNING !!!.....
Don't fall into the same category as others have done. If you are looking for penis extender accessories then please do some homework first. 99% of these accessories are over priced spare parts.

Firstly lets look at the facts, these penis extenders are advertised as being the best. All the glossy marketing will get you thinking the devices are good quality medical grade products but in reality it simply is not true.
To have a device medically certified in the EU all you have to do is pay a small fee (about $250) and your device is certified. There is no medical grade to meet, no high standards to keep, just a fee to pay and your certified.

I recently looked at the X4 extender and seen you could purchase a starter device for $120. This included the whole device but when I looked at the spare parts section of their site they was selling just the 2 rods for $110. This is just a blatent rip off!!..

So, the moral of the story is to shop around and you will find these spare parts a lot cheaper and a lot better quality.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Penis extender reviews

Penis extender reviews

So, why would anyone want to create a blog about Penis Extenders?

Well, our main reason is to give as much information by way of reviews, hints & tips so the good people of the UK can make an informed decision about all of the extenders available on the market. There are some good products out there, there are some poor products, some over priced, some not so expensive but what is the difference between these devices.

Looking on the top few websites is not always a good idea. If you are looking on a website that is comparing just 2 or 3 or just recommending up to 5 extenders then you should stop and look at this website again because these sites are not giving you a good selection of products. It is not offering you good value, it will be simply giving you the option of the few websites that will pay that person for referring customers.  The advice and information is not always correct, in fact it is nearly always incorrect and misleading and you will end up not only wasting money but spending over the odds and spending to much money on a product that is not worth it.

Check out our product reviews first. They are going to be added over the next few weeks and months and should always be a good guide and reference if you are looking to purchase a penis extender.

Friday, 27 May 2011

New Extender World blog

Welcome to the new extender world blog.

 I have been in the adult industry selling extender, pills and lotions for both male and female enhancement now for nearly 10 years. I am fully qualified to comment and review all of the products on the market from a professional and personal view.

I know the finer details, the ins and out of what makes a product good, the price ranges and can tell if it is value for money.

On this blog I will be giving you lots of help and advice on the products available on the market, whether or not they are any good, if they work and if they are good value for money. Best of all I can tell you if these products are complete scams, and believe me, there are lots of scams on the internet these days.