Has anyone found a website in the UK recently with any penis extender upgrade kits in stock?
Does anyone still sell extender upgrades?
We sold a wide range of penis extender over the years, some good quality, cheap and cheerful and some very expensive over priced extenders but all had one thing in common, lack of penis extender accessories, in particular, replacement comfort straps.
I found that X4 labs are selling there upgrade kit but for what you get included in the kit it is very expensive, I did some investigation work and checked out the options.
Currently there is just 3 upgrade kits available, one of these is not actually an upgrade kit but spares parts sold separately that can be put together to make an upgrade kit.
First up, the X4Labs Upgrade Kit.
Cost: $140 (£95)
At first glance the X4 labs upgrade kit looks like a great bit of kit. It looks like you get a lot for your money, the sales and marketing are good and really do sell this extender accessory but in reality this is an over priced gimmick that does not work. You will be wasting £95 of your hard earned cash if you purchase one of these devices.
Lets take a look what $140 gets you. Firstly, you get 2 rods, these rods are only used if you have an Andro extender as normal bars will not fit the quad piece.
You get 1 plastic end adaptor called a quad support system support, this is a plastic end adaptor. You will get 2 silicone straps and 2 silicone tubes if you prefer the noose adaptors, you also get some foam pads for protection. Firstly and lastly the downfall is the quad support, this is basically a gimmick and a marketing ploy, X4 labs have turned there X4 labs Mini adaptor into something it's not. The quad and the mini adaptor are the same plastic end piece. I have done several tests on this adaptor and whilst you can see an advantage if you have a very small (micro penis) penis it is no use for anyone with a penis over 2-3inchs because the bottom part of the adaptor will dig into the scrotum, this makes the adaptor painful and uncomfortable to wear for any period of time. By wearing this adaptor it is possible you could cause yourself permanent damage. Caution should be taken when using the X4 labs extender.
I also note that I have seen other reviews for the X4 labs upgrade kit here.
Second up, Jes Extender spare parts.
Cost: £150
Penis extender accessories.
First off, the Jes extender is one of the original penis extenders. The original Jes has recently been upgraded to a comfort strap and with this comes the possibility of upgrading your old Jes extender or any other extender to use the comfort strap technology. The accessories include a comfort strap, a silicone strap or just the bars and silicone straps but when purchased all together they total a hefty £150+ depending what you order. Good quality spares but over priced and expensive.
Lastly, the Tushy Upgrade Kit.
Cost: £40-£50
Basically this Upgrade kit is made up of the Jes extender spare parts. If purchased separately the entire cost is approximately £150. If purchased all together as an upgrade kit from http://www.extenderupgrade.co.uk or http://www.extender-shop.co.uk then the cost is a low £40-£50 depending on what current offers and deals these websites have on.
The kit comes with a plastic end piece with silicone straps, silicone noose straps, foam protection pads and also the added bonus of upgraded tension springs of 2300g+ you get spare rods in case you have the Andro extender also.
By far the best extender upgrade kit on the market and the best value for money.
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